A special thanks to Dave & Ardy Hanson, and Karen Jones for all the hard work they have put into Shady Hollow Flea Market, celebrating its 41st Year in 2010!!

Thank you for visiting my blog about Shady Hollow Flea Market, located on Highway 59 South, Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. The 2010 season is well under way!! Make plans to visit Shady Hollow Market now, before the season slips away!!!

There will be a four day market this 4th of July weekend, Friday through Monday. The weather looks great, we hope you will come and spend a day with us!

Just a note, many vendors are unable to accept credit/debit cards at the market. Please be prepared to pay for your purchases with cash or check!

Monday, July 14, 2008


While driving to Shady Hollow over the weekend, something pink and beautiful caught my eye in the ditch amongst the vast greenery. I continued to drive about a half mile and thought to myself, could those really have been Lady's Slippers?? I haven't seen a real Lady's Slipper in over ten years. I had to turn around and satisfy my wondering mind to see if it truly was. You see, the pink Lady's Slipper is the Minnesota State flower, and highly regarded and protected. They can't be picked or dug up, and it is on rare occasion that one is seen!

The ditch grass is quite tall this time of year, as we've had quite a bit of rain as well. I'm actually surprised the ditch hasn't been mowed either. Yep, that's what they were!! It was actually about 9:00 o'clock at night, and I didn't have my camera with either. In this part of Minnesota, believe it or not, it does stay daylight until almost 10:00 p.m., but it didn't leave me enough time to get home and get my camera. I was worried the night's rain would damage these delicate Orchid flowers more, so I wouldn't be able to get a much sought after picture! But, to my surprise, I awoke to a beautiful sunny Saturday!! Off I went and captured a few shots of our beautiful State Flower, the Pink Showy Lady's Slipper! Here are some facts and thanks for letting me share!!

The showy lady's slipper is Minnesota's state flower. Since 1925, the state has regulated the collection and commercial sale of this species. The showy lady's-slipper is one of 43 orchid species that grow in Minnesota. Many people consider it the most beautiful flower in the state.

The lady's slipper flowers from early June to mid-July. It flowers best in bright sunlight, although it will grow in semi-shaded areas. In its first year, this orchid grows only as tall as a pencil point. Each year, the lady's slipper may produce a half-million seeds, which are as fine as flour dust. This flower has a long life span; some may be 100 years old.

The lady's slipper grows in spruce and tamarack bogs, swamps, wet meadows, wet prairies, and cool, damp woods. It may be found anywhere in Minnesota where these habitats exist. (Well, I found these in a hot ditch along a Minnesota highway!!!)

The lady's slipper is uncommon in Minnesota. Population can be hurt by wetland drainage, road construction, tree cuttings, and illegal picking and uprooting. In addition, herbicides used on roadside areas can kill these plants. The best management is to protect the lady's-slipper's native habitat.

Fun Fact - Some people can get a rash from touching the leaves of this pretty orchid.

1 comment:

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

some people might get put in jail next spring when they try to transplant some of these before the mowers come and mow them down! :D

Shady Hollow Flea Market

Shady Hollow Flea Market
A birdseye view of shoppers!!